This time two years ago, then-high school student Ben Galvez didn’t know if he would be able to go to college.
Then in May 2014, the state of Tennessee passed the Tennessee Promise bill, a groundbreaking scholarship and mentoring program, allowing Galvez and others to attend two years of community or technical college tuition-free.
Galvez, now a freshman at Chattanooga State Community College, thought the process would be daunting, but was pleasantly surprised. “You just needed to know how to keep up with the paperwork,” he says.
The Promise is rare good news in the world of free tuition, especially as President Obama’s America’s College Promise proposal, first announced in January, and which would provide two free years of community college funding, continues having trouble finding traction. (A bill, the America’s College Promise Act of 2015, was introduced by Democrats in the Senate and House this summer, but faces Republican opposition.)
Tennessee, along with Oregon, are the only two states so far to make such a program a reality.
According to its website, the Tennessee Promise provides students “a last-dollar scholarship,” meaning it will cover tuition and fees not covered by the Pell grant or certain other funds. The scholarship is good any of the state’s 13 community colleges, 27 colleges of applied technology or other eligible institution offering an associate’s degree program.
The Oregon bill, known as the Oregon Promise, will allot $10 million to at least 10,000 prospective college students, and give them the chance to go to one of the state’s 17 community colleges. Part-time students are also given the ability to get prorated grant amounts.
Minnesota will launch a two-year pilot program next year which will offer “a free ride to an estimated 1,600 students in high-demand technical college programs,” according to the Star Tribune.
Nancy Patterson, the vice president for college advancement and public relations at Chattanooga State, said the Tennessee Promise has gotten off to a “great start” at her school. Typically, she says, Chattanooga State takes in about 700 high school graduates as freshmen, but thanks to the bill, the college had a freshman class size of about 1,100 high school graduates.
“We are thrilled with the program,” she says. “I do think that we’ve got several really wonderful opportunities to teach other higher education systems of how partnering with a community college to deliver more higher-ed and career training” is effective.
Rebecca Brown, another Tennessee Promise freshman at Chattanooga State Community College says, “I’m just grateful that I have the opportunity to further my education at a college that I love.”
Brown says while she probably would still have gone to college even without the scholarship, she “probably would’ve been in debt.”
Filed under: News Tagged: Barack Obama, Chattanooga State Community College, community college, free college, John Boehner, Nancy Patterson, Tennessee Promise